- Leaflet
- Articles
- Watanabe, E. and Kagawa, T. (2012). Toshokan ni okeru narreji-besu katsuyo no hirogari to KBART no yakuwari (The Increasing usage of knowledge-bases in libraries and the roles of KBART). Current Awareness (314). CA1784. pp.14-17.
http://current.ndl.go.jp/ca1784 - Shiono, M. (2015). ERDB-JP: kyodo de kochikusuru denshi risosu kyoyu sabisu (ERDB-JP: e-resources sharing service build in collaboration with partners). Current Awareness-E. 2015-06-04. No.282. E1678.
http://current.ndl.go.jp/e1678 - Ueno, T., Kagawa, T., Furuhashi, H., and Shiono, M. (2015). Opun na narreji-besu no shinten to sono haikei (The progress of open knowledge-bases and their background). Current Awareness (326). CA1860. pp.6-8.
http://doi.org/10.11501/9589932 (DOI) - Electronic Resources Database-JAPAN: ERDB-JP. Library Technology Reports. 2016, 52(6), p. 33-34.
- Watanabe, E. and Kagawa, T. (2012). Toshokan ni okeru narreji-besu katsuyo no hirogari to KBART no yakuwari (The Increasing usage of knowledge-bases in libraries and the roles of KBART). Current Awareness (314). CA1784. pp.14-17.
- Presentations
- Gakujyutsu Jyoho Kiban (Academic Information Infrastructure) Open Forum 2015, 11th June 2015.
https://youtu.be/zqc8pnDLJBg/ -
Toshokan Sogoten (Libraries Exhibition) Speakers’ Corner, 10th-12th November 2015.
http://www.nii.ac.jp/userimg/libraryfair2015/2015_LFF_2_2.pdf -
Charleston Conference, 4th-7th November 2015.
Charleston_Conference_2015.pdf -
Gakujyutsu Jyoho Kiban (Academic Information Infrastructure) Open Forum 2016, 26th May 2016.
- Gakujyutsu Jyoho Kiban (Academic Information Infrastructure) Open Forum 2015, 11th June 2015.
- Relevant Projects
- Knowledge Base and Related Tools (KBART)
http://www.niso.org/workrooms/kbart/ - CEAL Taskforce on Metadata Standards and Best Practices for East Asian Electronic Resources (CEAL ERMB)
http://www.eastasianlib.org/ctp/Subcommittees/sub_metadata_standards.htm - GOKb
- Knowledge Base and Related Tools (KBART)
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